Character Counts, it is the one thing you have 100% control of

Personal Accountability Speaker

Why Character

Why I am speaking about Character

Several years ago I was on a weekend service project.  A gentleman with a military background, was telling the boys about his experiences. I asked him to explain to the boys what the definition of “character” meant to him. After twenty minutes, I was in awe at his passion and explanation of “character.” 

Your words, your actions and how you treat others, that is how we should be judged!     ---Anonymous 

What I would like to accomplish

I am aiming to teach our youth the importance of good character, and that character counts. Talk to them about what good character is and how easy it is to tarnish their character.

"If your friends aren't making you a better version of yourself, are they  friends?"                         ---- Matthew Kelly 

Find out more

About Me

I am a family man and a father of four . I have been married for 25 years. I grew up in a small town of about 28,000 people  in southern Iowa.   I enjoy scuba diving, water skiing, restoring old cars and driving fast cars on road courses.

 " When you're focused on getting those around you into Heaven, as much as yourself, you'll automatically live your life with great Character." 

---- Barry Meguiar 

Quotes on Character

 "Character is not something that you buy; it is not a commodity that can be bartered for; it is not a quality suited for only the rich and famous; rather, character is built upon the foundation commitment of love, honesty, and compassion for others.

"Byron R. Pulsifer  

 "We are not just products of our past; people in our present also influence us and help mold our character." 

David Packer 

 "Your character defines who you are by the actions you take." 

Catherine Pulsifer" 

 "Never does a man portray his character more vividly than when proclaiming the character of another." 

Winston Churchill 

 "In the end, it is the person you become, not the things you achieve, that is most important." Les Brown, 

 "Who you become is infinitely more important than what you do, or what you have.”

 Matthew Kelly

"If you think you may regret your actions in the future don't do them today"

 Dominic Starkweather

"If i take care of my character my reputation will take care of me"

 Dwight L. Moody

"Is it better to be right or kind?"

 David Michaels

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  

  Matthew 16:26.


" Worry more about your character than your reputation. Character is what you are, reputation is merely what others think you are" ---

John Wooden

My Top Ten Character traits